"You can make anything by writing."
--C.S. Lewis

"Poetry is a mirror which makes beautiful that which is distorted"
-- Percy Shelley

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Redemptive Hate??? hmmm...

What are Christians doing to progress the gospel of love in the world?

A film was recently produced by Christians called "The Innocence of Muslims" in which Muslims are portrayed in a vulgar and hateful manner. It is protest against the Islamic people and the Muslim faith.

Hmm... So how many Muslim people do you think will fall in love with Jesus because of this film? I mean, it was produced to show the TRUTH? No? that their faith was no the right one?

What are we doing? Do Christians even read their bibles anymore? Do we even know what the gospel preaches?

Question marks riddle this blog, because I am left baffled. How are we so blind, when the gospel offers such simple clarity and light?

Put your theology and exegesis aside. Read your bible, submit to the authority of scripture and you will find that it is really quite simple...Simple, but not easy.

It is easy to produce a film...it is easy to produce hate.

But Love, Love is hard...and we are called to nothing less.

Dr. Martin Luther King said, "The question is not whether we will be extremists, but what kind of extremists will we be? Extremists for Hate or for Love?

I grow weary as I begin to realize that many people who call themselves Christians, are no longer the oppressed...We are the oppressors. We sing of freedom and redemption, but we offer condemnation.

"We live in an age in which people, when they hear the word Christian, are much more likely to think of people who hate gays than people who love outcasts" - Shane Claiborne.

In our nation, who are the outcasts, and are we really loving them? Do we value the lives of the people in Iraq as much as we value the lives of the people in our nation? In our families?

This is what Jesus means when he says we must hate our families to be his disciples. Our kinship changes when we become heirs. We should be just as pained at the afflictions of our family in Iraq as we are by the people who share our biology.

Our main concern seems no longer to be loving the dirty, but purifying the world of them. Sounds a lot like the Pharisees to me. It is high time we placed ourselves among the poor and the rejected... It is high time we got stoned and crucified for our love. It is high time we had the opportunity to cry out to our Lord, "Hold not their sins against them." We need to believe in redemption and seek to deliver it.

Everyday real Christians  globally are persecuted for the name of Christ, meanwhile we are protesting at abortion clinics and producing hate films. This scares the hell out of me for in this image linger the words of our Lord, "depart from me, I never knew you."

All hope is not lost if only we believe. "No one is beyond redemption. We are free to imagine a revolution that sets both the oppressed and the oppressors free." - Claiborne

Hate is our only enemy.

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