"You can make anything by writing."
--C.S. Lewis

"Poetry is a mirror which makes beautiful that which is distorted"
-- Percy Shelley

Friday, August 12, 2011

Formula for Death? Part. 1

Do we as Christians really want a relationship with Jesus? or are we looking for a list of guidelines for living? A faith like taking pills to make you a good, moral, acceptable person who has a spot saved in heaven. Taking communion without depth, reading the word and praying out of obligation, and serving and tithing that we may feel like we are worthy of some reward that heaven has to offer. If this is true, we are not living for God, but we are living like the Pharisees, we are self-righteous, removing Christ from the Gospel and making it a gospel about our lives rather than the life of our God. We forget that our faith is built on emulating the loving and loyal nature of Jesus Christ, not on becoming perfect little christians. We debate and bicker about theology in order to prove ourselves to God, (or to ourselves) rather than spending our energy loving one another and seeking the lost, the sinners, who have no use for the complex theology that we think we can grasp with our little minds. As far as I am concerned, the bible is clear with one thing more than any other, "Eat of my flesh, drink of my Blood... Love your Father in heaven and love your neighbor as yourself." -Jesus. In all the gospel you do not see Jesus seeking out debate, sure, he will clarify the truth when challenged (With parables) But more or less, he is building relationships, he is loving, and healing. We here in America are at risk. We have substituted Jesus for our Ministry, for ourselves. Have we completely forgotten what the Gospel truly stands for, we cannot let our formulaic, capitalistic mindset infect our faith. There is no formula for successful ministry, successful ministry is to love others more than yourself and to put Jesus above yourself and love him with all of your heart.  to give ALL that you have to him and follow the Will of his Father. Our Father.

it is the moment when you die to your self-interest when you discover the beauty, the power in you. - Mama Maggie Gobran

The more i think about it, the more I realize we have started an "American Gospel." Where ministry becomes about power, megachurches, money....numbers... THAT is not the gospel. Where did the relationships go? Where did the humility go? Where did Jesus go? Why do we think it is necessary to build Christian Empires here in America? I don't want to judge because I am just as guilty of following and feeding this trend as anyone, but it is hitting me hard, and it scares me. Have we convoluted the gospel with relevancy, with progression, and with consumerism?

I was just lucky enough to see a presentation by Mama Maggie Gobran. She emulated Christ. She was humble, simple, loving...yet... successful. She has started one of the biggest ministries in the world serving orphans in Cairo for over 20 years. What are we doing with our affluence here? I know it is easier said than done, but its just a thought.

This is just the introduction to something deeper and much more focused that I have been pondering over. I just can't shake this feeling that we might be misleading ourselves, endangering ourselves.

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