"You can make anything by writing."
--C.S. Lewis

"Poetry is a mirror which makes beautiful that which is distorted"
-- Percy Shelley

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Someone Order Sonnets?

Hey guys, these are just a few sonnets that I have written of late that i decided to post. The former is in the style of a traditional Italian Sonnet, and the latter two are inspired by traditional Shakespearean Sonnets. Hope you enjoy!

Tragedy of the Misguided Endeavors

Remove from us these thoughts, so cruelly placed
where pain and hate run rampant on the prowl
idly aside they trap them all the while
envelope me within your warm embrace

present darkness, it lurks like cats untamed
a beast with gnashing teeth that aims to kill
feasting upon the hearts of weak and ill
with souls left torn, broken, scourged and maimed

A Savior lies among the tattered flesh
The only hope for victims of the beast
decision lies betweenst the lost and death
unfortunate, he lacketh hands and feet
replaced by narrow lines drawn in the air
averted eyes, self righteousness...they bare.

The Canary Pipe Dream

How ignorant and loosely in his speech
persuading to avert mine hurting eyes
Benvolio doth dare, at me, to preach
to look upon new beauties would be wise

There, perched so sweetly in the flock of birds
doth sit the soft canary gold as sun
she sings to me in voice but lacking words
wound heart and logic, in me, come undone

For learned things my hearts no longer fond
revelations, wild dreams pervade my mind
to feed the beast enraged by lack of bond
new rays of Summer, dead trees left behind

In time thy heart my mind shall learn to tame
For now, in dreams you do ever remain.

Becoming Young Goodman Brown

Dark was the night when we first met
within the wood so frightening
upon a bough you roughly sat
with ready words, like lightening

I followed you away from her
my faith was lost within the dark
not knowing just how far we were
to hell, do we seem to embark

So where do I now face this man
whose tricks hath not been blunted yet
he hath, for me, a sinful plan
concede to him my heart might let.

Oh faith return me to thy bed
forever hold this tarnished head

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